Apart from our 4-legged friends our members (your dog walker!) all have something else in common – they are all small businesses. Whether sole traders whose businesses comprise just themselves or larger, limited companies with employees.
Pre lockdown, they strove to make their business the best they possibly could. Dog walking truly is a vocation and ultimately, they come to love your dogs like their own.
Many of our members have temporarily closed, some are operating a limited service and, like many of us throughout the country just now, may be struggling with the impact of lockdown in different ways – be that reduced or no income, missing the dogs they walk, missing their work routine and even worrying about what the future holds.
However, while things are on hold, and if you can spare the time, there are things you can do to support your dog walker:
? You could write and send them a glowing testimonial for their future use in their portfolio or website
5? Recommend and review their service on their social media pages or website
? Like and Share their social media pages and posts with your local friends and colleagues and ask they do the same
? Keep in regular touch with them and if you can, update with your dog’s lockdown antics – we know our members love this!
? Prepare your dog for life after lockdown and try to re-establish routine e.g. home alone time, desensitize your dog to seeing unusual things such as people wearing masks. If you’re unsure how to do this or if your dog is already showing signs of stress, do ask your dog walker – they may be able to help or recommend a qualified force-free trainer / behaviourist. (*The Kennel Club link below also provides tips on how to introduce your dog to a face mask)
Each of these actions will mean such a lot to your dog walker. We know they can’t wait to get out walking your dog again, however long that may take!! Thank you.

Photo courtesy of and special thanks to our lovely member Kat’s Happy Paws based in Halifax for permission to share! You can find out more about Kat’s Happy Paws here: https://www.facebook.com/katshappypaws/
*The Kennel Club have some tips for introducing your dog to face masks:
Thanks for reading!